Nowadays, techniques and ways of washing has been very well developed to increase the washing efficiency for even better. The most popular method of today cleaning for high-level-of-dirt washing such as clothes in the hospital, consisting of the infected clothes, chemical-contaminated clothes, and waste-contaminated clothes of drugs, and waste-contaminated clothes with bloodstain or feces, is popularly eliminated by chemicals  and hot-water methods.  
           The use of chemicals and hot water in washing process has the aim to bring hot water and chemicals to the cleaning, which is widely known that chemicals are capable of destroying and killing germ. Hot water is capable of removing the dirty contaminants such as fat stain. The chemical-washing method requires a good control because chemicals used in germ killing have the effect to clothes washers, clothes users, and environment, as well as washing with the hot water, which can truly help remove contaminants. However, there are many disadvantages that occur with the clothes, for example, making lifetime of clothes shorter and colors become dull quickly. Thus, it is needed to add some chemicals in to maintain the clothes quality and there is energy loss which is the huge cost for water boiling as well.  
           Alternative way used to solve the problem of chemicals and hot water in washing system is to adopt ozone technology to utilize instead of hot water and help reduce the use of chemicals down to be 10-30%. Ozone system does not only make the clothes quality better than the old system, it also helps reduce the procedures and working time in washing system. Likewise, it can help conserve the environment both within the laundry room and outside the laundry room, along with conserving the outside-communities environment as well.

Process of germ elimination by ozone

Procedure to eliminate bacteria
•   Encourage capturing the amount of bacteria
•   Block cell-wall particles
•   Ozone infiltrate and corrode attacking the bacterias' cell wall for disintegration
           Because ozone is the unstable particulate, ozone will try to capture the particles and form the oxidation interactions (oxidation potential). When coagulating with the cell's wall of germ, it will penetrate and erode destroying the cell's wall to decompose. The decomposition of cell's wall will make germ unable to create the metabolism process (food synthetic process). When using ozone in the washing process, it will better help eliminate germ in clothes, including ozone features in bleaching and deodorizing. Consequently, using ozone in the laundry system can reduce chemical use for removing various types of germs. Likewise, it can reduce the chemicals used to improve the overall clothes quality, which can reduce around 10-30% without reducing clothes quality.

Dirty clothes washed with the streaming system


  Before washing

 After washing



Dirty clothes washed with the ozone system


 Before washing

After washing


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